I’m a Spanish webdev based in East London, and this is my portfolio.
I am, in particular order, a web developer, designer, photographer and writer.
It could seem like a lot of things to take on, but wait until I mention my soundcloud…
To be fair, they all come from the same creative place. Whether I needed to learn to about image formats, conversion rates, audio compression, accessibility requirements, or how to write clean copy that serves the almighty algorithm but it’s ultimately from humans and for humans.
I do
web, dev, art, music,
photo, writing, and design…
I work through my own company, ollie ford & co, and I collaborate with other creatives in creating digital experiences
In order to successfully create and publish websites over the last 15 years, I had to expand my range of knowledge deep and wide, no matter how fringe or obscure. I had to learn to embrace different perspectives, in order to understand what’s needed and how to achieve it, while providing my experience and my skills to find the best outcomes.
The way in which we consume art is as important as the art itself. Creating tools that allow others to tell bigger, better stories is what drove me to code in the first place.
So feel free to browse and share, feel inspired or moved.
I am already grateful you made it this far.
To reach out, simply get in touch.
Other ways to find out more
In this page
Sources and attributions.
Photography: Ruben Madila
Typography: Plus Jakarta Sans
Landing carousel: SwiperJS